
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

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Active Missionaries

Dan and Maria hurrelbrink

Dan and Maria have been faithfully serving in Romania for over 30 years. Working amount the poor, doing childcare and camps, refugee work and many other things.

Dan Rojas

Dan is working among trafficked children in Costa Rica. Spreading the gospel with island churches and helping the desperately poor. 

Firstlight (Dan Ecker)

Scott Underhill

Dan and his wife Debbie Ecker have served in Thailand, minstering and raising up local pastors to continue the work.
Scott Underhill is serving the students of Clarion University to bring the gospel to students who have the highest likelihood of leaving the faith over any other age group.

WOrld Challenge

Team (Downings)

World challenge has been working in video production, mission work, street evangelism, Rehab centers and other charitable works since 1971.
The Downings are serving the people of Chad Africa with the word of God, clean water and infrastructure.

globe (Wood)

Dirk wood is a missionary in Cape Town South Africa. Doing street missions and church building.

Next step pregnancy solutions

Next step is a local crisis pregnancy center providing help to young ladies and men faced with an unplanned pregnancy. They provide clothes, educational materials, formula, diapers and counseling to any in need.

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